Saturday, March 3, 2012

Right Moment

Well, I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything but, better late than never, right?

So- this week, I have been fighting an old evil enemy- the common cold with a harsh cough. It has not been fun since I have been going to bed early and such but, I have been surviving. Like I said, we are old enemies. :P
The other day, when I was getting really tired and just wanted to go home and sleep, I got a text through facebook from a message from a friend asking how I was doing and if I was feeling well and if there was anything they could do to help. It was so nice to know someone cared about me and really made me feel a lot better and happier. The rest of my classes seemed to fly by, which is quite a miracle with how I was feeling. It is amazing how the Lord will send people to help us out at the perfect moment when we least expect it and they have no idea how much they helped you out.

On a different note, last night, after playing some fun foul-ball, a group of us went to visit a friend's twin but, he was not there so we got to have some fun chatting with his roommates. One I had actually met before when I went to visit my cousins during the summer several years back. It is hilarious how small the world is. Especially in the church. Especially at BYU. :P After just a little bit of time chatting, this group of guys and our group from our ward felt like old friends teasing each other and having a great time. It is amazing how quickly friendships can grow here. At home, it would take forever to really become friends with someone but, here it does not take long. Life here is grand. :)

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