Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Effect of Music

Well, this past weekend I was reminded why I love music. Life had started getting a little overwhelming and I did not know where to turn to because my usual "go to items" just were not helping. Then, I spent some time with a friend listening to a ton of great music and I finally felt at peace. It's amazing the impact music can have on the soul. Since then, I've spent a lot more time listening to/singing different songs and have found my life has been a lot better and I feel more in control of the craziness around me. When my day just seems to be too overwhelming, it is nice to be able to turn on my iPod and listen to different types of music from choral to religious to pop. In my music civilization class we talked about the reason for music in religious services and it made me realize how grateful I am for the impact music is in not only my secular life but, also my religious one. I love how I can listen to music that brings me closer to my Savior as well as make my day go better. It is an amazing world when education and religion can go together to create a complete human being. I know I would not be who I am today without music. Music is such a large part of who I am and it has given me experiences that have shaped my views of the world and who I am as a person. What a wonderful world we live in.

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