Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Lord Knows My Needs

You know those days where it is not a bad day but, you just feel stressed and almost on the verge of tears just full of emotion and you're not sure what to do about it? That was me today. My day was very good but, one bad thing hit a pressure point and has left me feeling sad and heavy in my heart.

I'm subbing for singing time for primary [the class for children ages 3-11] in church tomorrow and realized I still needed to figure out what we were doing. Well, I sat down at the piano and started playing through the songs to figure out which ones to do. A few of the songs really hit me and I was very happy to be home alone because I was brought to tears. I felt the love of my Savior when I really needed it. My heart had felt so heavy and I'd been feeling so alone but, He knew I needed Him and He helped me feel his love and remember why I am here and how I am important. I am His daughter and He loves me no matter what. I'm doing the best I can and that is enough for Him. Of course, I have a lot to work on but, I'm trying and He knows that. So, even though I am not perfect and life can be really rough, it is worth it and my Savior and Heavenly Father love me dearly and will help me become what I am meant to.

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