Thursday, May 17, 2012

Playing "Mom" For a Day & Find Love

Little Man & I
Today I woke up to a text from my mom asking me to help my littlest brother get out the door. Well, I woke up about 5 minutes before he was supposed to be out the door and, well, he had just woken up as well. He was in tears freaking out and wondering where everyone was and so, I had to calm him down, make him eat and get dressed while I made his lunch and get him out the door (in 5 minutes). Luckily, we did it and it ended well but, as I watched him ride his bike down the driveway and yelled good-bye and he said good-bye and thanks it made me reflect on what I was thinking yesterday with the whole "growing up" thinking process. I could almost see myself doing the same thing in more than a few years (since he is 8 years old. :P ) for my own children and family. I do not know how moms do it every day but, I understand why.


I took & edited this picture
Love is a powerful thing. It makes us do crazy things we would not typically do otherwise. It's amazing how much love a mother has for her child or how much love a man, or woman, have for the other, or how much love the Savior has for each of us. It is sometimes hard to believe someone could love everyone but, as I have attended church camps and college, I have found that when you have the love of Christ, you can love anyone and everyone. No matter how mean they might be to you or if they do not have the same thoughts as you, you love them and care for them and see them as the Savior does. It is amazing to see that love and realize, that same love is the love he has for you. 

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